Thursday, August 4, 2011

Kid's in the Kitchen?

Lance has always let the girls help in the kitchen in whatever way they can. I, on the other hand, thought it too much trouble and too dangerous. Looking back to the time Lance taught Emily, then 4 years old, how to use a parring knife, I was shocked and worried. He patiently worked with her, however, and now (age 6) she is a great help! What a joy to have both Emily and Haley (age 3) in the kitchen with me while I prepare their meals and snacks. It has actually made things easier knowing I can send them in there to make their own snacks when I am tied up with other things. They love to rummage through the fridge and pantry to find something yummy. Now I just have to make sure there are good food choices in there for them to discover.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that with a little patience and good judgment, teaching your kids the basic skills of the kitchen can be of great benefit to both you and them. You never know, you might have a little chef on your hands! Thanks, Lance, for setting the example and encouraging me to include the girls in the kitchen.

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